The Good News
The Good News of Jesus Christ
We Are Loved and Valued
As human beings we all have a need to be loved and valued. Many today tell us that there is no God but if we follow this to it’s logical conclusion then there is no meaning or significance to our lives. Yet, there is something within us that tells us that this is not true, that human rights matter, that there is ultimate right and wrong and that people are valuable and significant.
The Bible tells us that God created the universe and that He is the One who made each one of us. It also tells us about God’s amazing love for us, despite our distrust and rebellion against Him. In it’s most famous verse, the Gospel of John, chapter 3 and verse 16, we discover that God loves and values us and doesn’t want to let us perish without Him. In fact, God has a plan to bring us back into relationship with Himself, so we can enjoy His presence and be with Him forever.
God’s plan centres on His Son, Jesus Christ.
For God so loved the world.. (John 3v16)
God’s actions are inspired by his love. God’s love is not simply like human love. It’s easy to love those who love and respect us, but what about those who hurt us and act like we don’t even exist? God loved us before we were born and He loves us while we are still in rebellion against Him. He made us for relationship with Him and he wants to restore us to Himself.
..that he gave his one and only Son..
God’s amazing love led Him to sacrifice His only Son, Jesus Christ for you and me. Separated from God, the source of life, we are dead and on our way to eternal death. Our sin [ignoring God’s laws] is so serious that sending Jesus to die for us was the only way God could deal with it. His love is so great that He was prepared to pay this enormous cost and so God sent his Son into the world. “My God, why have you forsaken me?”, Jesus cried on the cross.
This is the value God puts on you. Jesus willingly came to give his life as a ransom to set you free. There on the cross Jesus was abandoned by His Father as he completely paid your great debt of sin. The cross was a mighty victory and Jesus’ final cry was “It is finished” [our debt was paid in full].
..that whoever believes in him..
The offer is open to everyone, whatever their background or religion. Jesus Christ is God’s Son and he died to pay the full price for your sins. He is offering forgiveness and a new life through God’s Holy Spirit. He asks that you believe he is who he claimed to be [fully God and fully man] and that he did what he said he would - he paid for all your sin on the cross.
..shall not perish but have eternal life.
There are two possible outcomes: we believe and receive eternal life [a new kind of life now and the certain hope of heaven] or we reject God’s great offer of life and perish without Him. Our sins need to be paid for one way or the other. If we refuse Jesus then we will be paying for them ourselves for all eternity in hell. But when we believe in Jesus, our sins are forgiven and we receive the free gift of eternal life - paid for by the blood of Jesus.
How could you say no to Jesus Christ?
Why would you refuse such an offer of life?
IF you'd like to take God up on His offer of life..
Turn to Him in the quietness of your heart and say..
Admit you have broken God’s laws. Tell Him you are sorry and that you’re ready to turn away from all your sin and allow Jesus to be the Lord [boss] of your life.
Thank you:
Thank God for his rescue plan and the great price that Jesus paid on the cross for all your sins. Thank Him that he loves and values you so much.
Ask God to forgive you and give you his Holy Spirit to live inside you, so you can have eternal life and live His way from now on.
Read the Bible, talk to God as your heavenly
Father and meet with others who are
following Jesus Christ.
If you are searching for answers and don't have a Bible,
we would be happy to send you one free of charge.
Just contact us with your name and address
and ask for a free Bible.